
Webgrrls was started by Aliza Sherman (Cybergrrl!) precisely to help women online network with each other. She started Webgrrls in NYC, USA and chapters have sprung up like crazy…women online are up from 43% earlier this year to 49% of the online population — there are many, many male-only or male-female lists and forums but Webgrrls tries to provide a place for women to network with women. sry, Phoenix Rising



Space Coast Webgrrls is the local chapter of this international networking organization, serving Brevard County and surrounding areas in central Florida. Contact Pointgrrl, Sarah R. Yoffa, for details or visit our Web site today! sry, Phoenix Rising



Spiderwoman isn’t a mailing list. You might like it because, like Usenet news, you just post your message and leave. It doesn’t come to you, you go to it. A few days later, you hopefully remember to go back and read all of the answers ;-) Works most of the time. It’s good for technical questions, especially for those where the respondents can just SHOW you the answer … here’s the code and here’s what it looks like, etc. sry, Phoenix Rising



“International Directory of Women Web Designers.”  Amelia Toombs


Suzanne Stephens SStephens@opendoor.com

